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Accelerate Effective NERC-CIP Compliance with Big Data

Is your organization ready to meet the new NERC-CIP standards?  In this webinar, we discuss aspects of these standards and how the Vidsys CSIM solution can help to mitigate risks and support compliance with NERC-CIP requirements.


With fines and penalties reaching up to $1M/day, there is no time to lose in closing security gaps. In many cases, bringing an organization into compliance has additional benefits in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.  One of the most valuable but often under-utilized assets – data – can be put to good use in addressing NERC CIP requirements.  For example,  CIP-014 is about protection against physical attacks.  Data from surveillance video, sensors, access control and other relevant sources, if monitored, processed and analyzed quickly,  can significantly minimize the risks of oversight AND false alarms while improving security staff efficiency.

To help you address CIP-014 and other CIP requirements such as CIP-006, Vidsys, a leader in Converged Security and Information Management platform, and HPE, a leader in big data analytics engine, have joined forces in providing an integrated solution designed to automate the critical security processes of monitoring different data sources, analyzing for insights, and triggering appropriate actions.  Watch and learn how you can achieve effective compliance faster.

Enter your information to watch the webinar now.


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